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Apple’s iBookstore goes indie in Kindle Flame war - Jan 3
Posted by: Terri on Jan 03, 2012

Apple is reportedly plotting one of its “special events” at the end of the month, sparking a wave of pre-CES speculation designed to put the firm’s media efforts into the spotlight once again.

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With iPad 3 launch, will Apple drop lowest iPad 2 price to $299—or lower? - Jan 3
Posted by: Terri on

The iPad 3 rumor mill is churning furiously now, but what will be the fate of the iPad 2 when Apple’s latest tablet inevitably drops? The first-generation iPad got a $100 price cut until units ran out when the iPad 2 was released, but that was when there was basically no competition for the Apple tablets.

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The Swift Rise And Sad Fall Of The Asus Transformer Prime Android Tablet - Jan 3
Posted by: Terri on

CES 2012 Preview: Ultrabooks Everywhere - Jan 3
Posted by: Terri on

The big question will be whether ultrabooks prove to be affordable enough to compete with tablets and smartphones.

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GlobalMed Introduces New Mobile Telemedicine Carts and Tablet PC with HP - Jan 3
Posted by: Terri on

Fully integrated solution will help hospitals reduce transfer costs and enhance remote healthcare

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