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Ultrabooks can learn lessons from tablets - Jan 4
Posted by: Terri on Jan 05, 2012

Makers of the coming wave of thin and light Ultrabooks can learn from the failures of the tablet market — which is still really an iPad market — and the biggest lesson they’ll learn is about price.

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Windows 8 on x86 Tablets Rumored for This Summer -  Jan 4
Posted by: Terri on

Windows 8 on x86 Tablets Rumored for This Summer

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Has the World’s Largest Gadget Expo Lost Its Mojo? - Jan 4
Posted by: Terri on

The International Consumer Electronics Show takes place next week in Las Vegas, and as always there will be plenty to trigger our technolust. Teaser press releases from exhibitors augur a new suite of super-thin laptops and mid-range tablets, plus Internet-connected cars and TVs, as well as the latest developments in charging and connecting devices without wires.

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Ultrabooks Trending at CES Alongside New Tablets and Phones - Jan 4
Posted by: Terri on

Las Vegas’ annual Consumer Electronics Show shindig starts on January 10 and, alongside the latest batch of smartphones and tablets, it is the new class of PC ultrabooks that will take center stage.

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CES 2012 preview: hardware is (almost) dead - Jan 4
Posted by: Terri on Jan 04, 2012

At the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show, hardware will take a backseat to software — perhaps for good. Editor Andrew Nusca offers his preview in anticipation of next week’s show.

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