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Western Technology Companies Have Largest Domestic Presence at the 2012 International CES - Dec 16
Posted by: Terri on Dec 23, 2011

More than 815 Western U.S. Companies at World’s Largest Technology Trade Show

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GammaTech Introduces Fully Rugged R13C Convertible Computer - Dec 14
Posted by: Terri on

Enhanced Features Include: IP65-Grade, Robust, Rugged Design; Intel Core Low-Power i7-620LM vPro Processor; MIL-STD 810G; and More

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Microsoft Needs Windows 8 Now To Capture Tablet Demand - Dec 13
Posted by: Terri on

Microsoft is one of the largest enterprise and consumer software companies,  dominating the operating system market with the Windows OS. It is expected to launch Windows 8, the next version of Windows, in 2012 and will target both the PC market and the tablet market.

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The #TouchPad Effect: Infographic - Dec 9
Posted by: Terri on

What to Expect from Tablets in 2012? - Dec 9
Posted by: Terri on

We are merely days away from bidding adieu to 2011 and welcoming its successor. As we do so and as we cast our eyes over the year that was, the computer tablet market across the world strikes one as having been the sort of space most affected by a constant stream of products, with each one trying to outdo the other, in terms of innovation, design, components and performance.

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